Our day began with a pre-breakfast skiff exploration along a small creek called Pahuachiro. It was a crisp morning, and the different melodies of the birds filled the air for our delight. The diversity of bird species was proven with different sightings of tanagers, hawks, aracaris, jacamars, and many others.

After breakfast, we hiked along a forest trail near Casual Village. The locals helped our naturalist in the search of wildlife. We learned a lot about the survival techniques that plants and animals have in the Amazon Forest.

For the afternoon activity, kayak and skiff explorations were offered to our guests. The sighting of a woolly monkey with a playful baby was the center of our attention. Other species of primates, like monk sakis and dusky titi monkeys, created a special photo opportunity for our guests.

A gentle rain accompanied our afternoon exploration as we navigated through the varzea forest. In a little lagoon, we found lovely giant water lilies that were blooming. This completed our adventure for the day.