On our last expedition day of our voyage, we got to spend the day in the picturesque Lintang Island, off western Borneo. This was an opportunity to see the amazing diversity that can be found underwater in this region. If it was by snorkeling, diving, kayaking, looking through the glass bottom boat or watching the underwater footage displayed in the evening, we all got to see the wonders of the reef surrounding this island. We were able to see huge diversity in corals, countless species of fish and many other critters including cowrie snails. Just being on the island itself seemed almost surreal with beautiful white sandy beaches, thick Borneo jungle to be seen everywhere you looked, a white belly sea eagle circling the island and an amazing lunch put on by the hospitality staff. After lunch there was the opportunity to get back in and do it all over again.

While on the ship we have been able to go to lectures held by the ever helpful and informative photography team, expand our skills and apply them during the expeditionary trips. People were able to show some of their photos from their trip in the evening and it was fantastic to see the skill and creativity that people have. It was intriguing that although we were all going to the same destinations, we were all  having our own experiences, seeing things in a “different light,” if you will.

This part of the world is a melting pot for nature’s “weird and wonderful.” We have been able to see wild orangutans one day, stunning pit vipers the next, and go swimming in amazing reefs the very next day!  On this journey, we have all had unforgettable experiences and I would like to say (with no bias as the underwater specialist) that the last two days in the water were the perfect way to finish this expedition in such a special part of the world!