Tuesday started with hikes over game trails along the edge of a salmon stream heading towards Pavlof Lake. Hikers spotted beaver activity and bear scat while venturing around to take in scenic views of the stream, a beautiful lakeside meadow, and the mountainside. Hikers took between one to three hours to complete their journeys on differently paced and structured hikes. After the morning adventures, a brown bear mother and cub were spotted on shore wandering around the intertidal area. In the afternoon, guests had the option to enjoy Zodiac cruises along Freshwater Bay, most notably Cedar Cove, as well as kayaking. Those in Zodiacs spotted harbor seals, bald eagles, and pigeon guillemots in addition to other wildlife, while those in kayaks spotted jellyfish and sea stars under the sea. The day ended with a wonderful cocktail hour with charcuterie, wine, and presentations by the naturalists and undersea team.