This morning we awoke off the east coast of Chichagof Island in Freshwater Bay. Dropping the hook in Pavlof Harbor we launched on our activities of the day. Kayakers explored the beautiful coastline on a point to point kayak while walkers had the benefit of a trail along the shore to Pavlof falls. Bear scat on the trail was a constant reminder that we were mere visitors in the denizen of the coastal brown bear. Spring melt cascading down the falls was a nice sound and scene as we scrambled up a small rock face to the short river leading to the lake.  A beaver lodge aside the trail was evidence of the presence of North America’s largest rodent. At 60 pounds, this incredible engineer not only helped shape North America’s early economy (with 3 million beavers harvested for the Hudson Bay Company in the mid-19th century) but also altered the shape of the land as they do today.  After passing a huge old growth Sitka spruce we entered the wet zone of the lake environ. The long hikers had their work cut out for them as they could see their circumnavigation of the lake ahead. From wet grassy meadow to bog to forest the happy hikers breathed in the awesome essence that is Southeast Alaska. A lone trumpeter swan on the lake, a few goldeneye ducks and another beaver lodge on the far shore helped to paint the portrait of the inhabitants of wild Chichagof.

Back on the ship, the energy was lively as we shared the morning’s adventures over another wonderful meal. Cruising north in Chatham Strait we headed for Lynn Canal along the western shore of Admiralty Island. Almost the entire island is designated as a National Monument and Wilderness area, thanks to Jimmy Carter and his 1980 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) that has helped maintain the vast wild spaces, which Alaska so special.

Further down the fjord in Stephens Passage, we encountered a humpback whale hugging the coastline and lunge feeding as it combed the coast of Grand Island. Incredibly calm water, beautiful light and a moon above the canopy was a scene well worth missing dessert for. It was truly another epic day here in the wilds of Alaska!