We experienced a pleasant morning on calm seas in Chatham Strait. Light morning showers replenished the forest after yesterday’s sunny skies, but cleared for another wonderful day.

Early risers watched a flock of bald eagles dive and feed on salmon while porpoise and humpback whales swam on the fringes of the shoreline. National Geographic Sea Lion set anchor in Pavlof Harbor for morning excursions. A harbor seal watched kayakers paddle among glimpses of jumping salmon in the bay. A short hike ashore revealed a pair of Sitka black tailed deer crossing the stream near historic fish ladder. Upstream from a waterfall, a beaver lodge was discovered situated beside a large pond.

While cruising south down Chatham Strait, the excitement of a man-overboard drill was magnified by a display by Dall’s porpoise. Streaks of black and white quickly darted around the vessel until they grew bored and continued on their way. While Jason gave a presentation about the importance of salmon, a humpback fluked-up alongside the ship. We then entered Sitkoh Bay, passing the old Chatham Cannery; now a fishing lodge. At the end of the bay, three brown bears were seen feeding at the water’s edge. While transiting through the narrow, windy bends of Peril Strait, we concluded the evening by enjoying each other’s photos from the week…then, a pod of orcas interrupted dinner. We forgave them.