Welcome to Canada, folks! Our first full day of the voyage began in Prince Rupert, where guests disembarked for an array of activities. The quaint town of Prince Rupert is home to the Museum of Northern British Columbia. During the “Echoes of Time” we had the opportunity to experience a culmination of indigenous art, culture, and history. Guests were able to visit totem poles and a long house where traditional music and dance were demonstrated and everyone had a chance to join in.

Many others enjoyed a tour of the North Pacific Cannery, a historic cannery converted into a museum. It was truly fascinating to see and hear the story of the cannery and its historic past. Seeing the tools, processes, and hearing about the cultural norms from its operational days was a highlight for many.

The Rushbrook Trail hike was an excellent opportunity for guests to stretch their legs and enjoy the forest of Northern British Columbia. It was an immersive first day of our journey together.