National Geographic Endurance docked in one of the most picturesque towns in Norway. The adventures of the day began with a guided walk to some cod drying racks and on to the Visitor/Cultural Center. The cod racks at this time of year only have the fish heads, which are sold primarily to places in Africa. The whole fish are normally hung from January until about May. Everyone was free to take in the aspects of town that were of interest and meet back at the ship for lunch.

On board National Geographic Endurance, our visiting scientist, Rachel Miller, was utilizing volunteers to collect micro-plastic samples which will be looked at on the ship and analyzed for her project.

In the afternoon, a few adventurous souls climbed one of the mountain peaks and enjoyed a beautiful view of the town and surrounding islands. Zodiacs and a more moderate hike were also on offer before we returned to the ship and set sail for our next destination.