We have been very lucky with the weather on our trip, but today proved to be the best of all the days. In the afternoon it got quite warm too—a bonnie early autumn day.

After travelling through two locks we passed the swing bridges for the trains and vehicles and then ascended Neptune’s Staircase. This is a staircase lock with eight locks, raising the water level by 64 feet, an amazing feat of Victorian engineering.

On the next stretch of manmade section of the Canal, Carol held a talk on the Jacobite rising and what led to it, as well as its aftermath. The jigsaw pieces are falling into place!

Soon we were traversing Loch Lochy and the Laggan locks to reach Laggan Avenue. The spoil when digging the canal was piled on the banks here and planted up to stop the sides eroding. Now it feels like travelling through a forest—on a ship!

After lunch many of us walked the last 2 ¾ miles to Fort Augustus along the tow path. This village is a nice wee place to explore—either by ourselves or on a historic walking tour with Konia. There was also the option to go kayaking with Steve.

After a good look around Fort Augustus and some shopping we had a whisky tasting with Andy the barman before dinner. We tried very hard to taste the caramel and vanilla that the connoisseurs detect, but simply drinking and enjoying the whisky was a lot easier.

After dinner we could contemplate the day and look at the photographs taken or go for a walk on this beautiful evening.