This morning we used our Zodiacs to disembark and visit the towns of Lorica and Tucson, on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Upon arrival, buses were waiting for us; after a short ride we arrived at the small and picturesque town of Lorica. We explored on foot, escorted by local guides and our staff. A favorite location to visit here is the Central Market of Lorica. It is always very interesting to watch the interactions of people, local dishes being prepared, and the many different products that are being sold.

After Lorica and a wonderful lunch at a local restaurant, we visited the Indigenous community of Tuchin where the famous Colombian typical hat, the sombrero vueltiao, is made. The people from this tiny and remote community were extremely welcoming. They showed us in detail the process used to manufacture the well-known hat, beginning from collecting plant leaves to the final stage of sewing everything together.

Today was a busy day full of interesting insights into the rich and colorful Colombian culture.