It has been an exciting week, cruising around the Galapagos Islands, and the magic of the place seems to be endless. Every day we have new landscapes to photograph, animals to discover, and things to learn. Today we are visiting San Cristobal Island, one of the oldest islands in Galapagos Archipelago, located furthest east. The expedition is heading north of the island, where our destination, Punta Pitt is located; this is one of the important nesting areas of red-footed boobies in the archipelago, but today blue-footed boobies were the stars of the show. During the hike, we spot many blue-footed boobies nesting, it was just breathtaking to see all of their courtship, mating and nesting behavior. Moreover, seeing the blue-footed boobies’ eggs, chicks, and juveniles, been taking care by their parents, just melted our hearts.

To complete our amazing day we spend the afternoon at a spectacular beach called Cerro Brujo. Now, National Geographic Endeavour II is heading to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, where a new adventure begins tomorrow morning for more of the Galapagos Islands.