Seven days have flown away, and our last day in the Galapagos Islands was astonishing. To begin the day we found ourselves on the most southeastern island in the archipelago. San Cristóbal, also known as Chatham, was the fist island visited by naturalist Charles Darwin. Today this island is home for more than 8,000 people that work in tourism and artisanal fishing. To enjoy the island, we had a combination of Zodiac rides, hiking, and snorkeling throughout the day. 

The morning outing took place at Punta Pitt, located at the northernmost of the island. Zodiac riders had an exiting moment along the coastline searching for red footed-boobies at a small rocky islet is located a quarter of a mile from the bay. Nazca boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, tropicbirds, storm petrels, and Galapagos shearwater were sighted during this mind-blowing adventure. Hikers on the other hand had a breathtaking quest. The canyon path led the explorers up to an opening where we enjoyed the fascinating volcanic landscape as well as the different species endemic to the island of San Cristobal. Lava lizards and mockingbirds have adapted to the dry condition of this place becoming unique to the island. Red-footed boobies were sighted nearby, nesting on the yellow cordia trees. Gulls and Nazca boobies glided over the basaltic shoreline while we enjoy seen the breaking waves.  After so much entertaining we ended both activities on an olivine beach that has formed over time. Here all of as took time for a swim and to be surrounded by juvenile sea lions. 

For the afternoon outing the National Geographic Islander had to be relocated. Kicker Rock was our destination, and deep water snorkeling was the alternative to enjoy the last half-day in paradise. During our natural quest in the underwater world we were surprised by hammerhead sharks as well as black-tipped reef sharks and Galapagos sharks. Huge school of black striped salemas and eagle rays made the outing outstanding. To end the day the captain circumnavigate Kicker Rock while all of us gathered at the sky deck to talk about the magnificent week that will be in our hearts forever.