Today is our last full day in the Galapagos Islands.

We started our morning with a wet landing at a soft sandy green beach full of sea lions. We walked almost two miles in search of red-footed boobies, lava lizards, and mockingbirds. Soon after we returned from our walk, we began our water activities, including snorkeling and swimming.

While back onboard for a delicious typical Ecuadorian lunch, we reposition to our next destination.

Cerro Brujo has a beautiful one-mile-long white sandy beach where we enjoyed our final opportunity to watch the Galapagos sea lions as the sun set. Some guests opted for kayaking for an unbelievable adventure.

We are back onboard navigating towards the airport. As we pass by Leon Dormido, a scenic tuff rock, we say our goodbyes to the Galapagos. Thank you for coming to the Galapagos, and we hope to see you again soon.