Once you are in the Galapagos Islands, the expectations of our guests are always in a high level. So in order to not disappoint them, following the schedule the National Geographic Endeavour anchored in Puerto Ayora which is the harbor of Santa Cruz Island. This island hosts more than the fifty percent of the “Galapagueños” as well as the main offices of the two institutions that help to preserve Darwin’s legacy. The Charles Darwin Research Station offered the best opportunity to see the animal that represents this archipelago, the giant tortoises. In this place we had the chance to find some of them resting after been fed by the people who keep them and wandering around their corrals. Also the land iguanas in their pens were the very cherry of this chocolate cake. Adults, juveniles, and babies stole more than a smile from our faces during the excursion.

Later we had a wonderful time in the town and around civilization after days of being disconnected from the outside world. Some of us went shopping and some others enjoyed an incredible time in the fisherman market with all the sea birds and sea lions waiting for some leftovers.

We gathered everyone to start taking the buses to the highland for several activities. There, we learned some of the techniques that the people in the Galapagos used for getting different products from cane of sugar and coffee.

To end a very successful day, during the afternoon we went to a place close to the national park where the giant tortoises were free and wild. The weather and light were fantastic for enjoying the excursion and for making unforgettable photos of these animals.