Today's activities started in the best way: a morning hike on Dragon Hill! This unique place is located in the north part of Santa Cruz Island. Due to the rainy season, this typically dry forest showed us a very rare and temporary greenish hue all over the landscape. Thanks to this, we were able to enjoy dozens of Galapagos land iguanas sunbathing, fighting and eating. After the typical and tasty Ecuadorian Lunch, we enjoyed a quick talk with the National Geographic photographer Todd Gipstein, sharing with us his techniques for shooting photos in the islands. Then, it was time for kayaking, paddle boarding and a Zodiac riding, according to our guests’ preferences. And to finish this great day, we had a wine tasting with a very prominent rainbow over the mystical Daphne, lure of the contemporary evolution basis thanks to the experts biologists Peter and Rosemary Grant and their Darwin Finches. Another day in paradise!