Today we visited my home island of Santa Cruz. This island is now the most populated across the archipelago, and a good example of conservation and coexistence between humans and wildlife. The morning was spent at the Giant Tortoise breeding center, which was a great opportunity for guests to witness conservation firsthand.

We then spend a bit of time feeling our way through the cozy town of Puerto Ayora before boarding buses to head up into the highlands. The first stop upon arriving was at “Los Tuneles del Amor.” This huge lava tunnel was once a lava flow running down the slopes of Santa Cruz island, and though now expended, it is a quiet yet present reminder of the tremendous volcanic activity native to this part of the hemisphere. Afterward, we visited El Trapiche farm, an excellent place to enjoy local products like sugar cane juice, brown sugar, and the local sugar cane alcohol!

The rest of the afternoon, we visited the giant tortoises in their natural environment before heading back to the beach to relax for a bit then board again for the evening. What a great joy being close to the gentle giants and the island they occupy!