The day began with an early morning landing at Dragon Hill. We hiked the shoreline, surrounded by Galapagos carpetweed vegetation. Some marine iguanas basked in the sun while others went to the ocean for their morning feeding. We ventured inland to the arid vegetation zone of Santa Cruz Island and looked for land iguanas closer to their nests. The views from the hill were stunning, and we had the opportunity to take good photos of the landscape.

While snorkeling, we swam with various species of fish. After an Ecuadorian lunch, we moved to Punta Borrero for different afternoon activities, including Zodiac rides and kayak and paddleboard outings surrounded by different seabirds common to the area.

The ship circumnavigated Daphne Islet while we all enjoined a wine tasting event on the observation deck at sunset. In this way, we finished an adventurous day.