For many of our guests, today is the big day even that we have seen tortoises at Urbina Bay some few days ago, but not only tortoises were in our plans.

We started early in the morning for visiting the Galapagos National Park Service facilities where the well-known Fausto LLerena Giant Tortoise Breeding Center is found, we had the great luck to find from almost just hatched tortoises to adults of around 350 pounds, together with the most famous of them, Lonesome George (Pinta) and Diego (Espanola). On the road to the Breeding Center, a wonderful forest of the giant opuntia cactus adorn the trail. Mockingbirds and finches chirped loud this morning.

A couple of hours to explore the town of Puerto Ayora is essential; some of us made it to Tomas de Berlanga School to find out about the different programs an support that our company gives to the future leaders of the island, and as well to practice some basketball with our Global Explorers.

After lunch we visited a ranch I order to find giant tortoises eating the abundant Guava that is scattered all around the place at this time of the year providing of is delightful aroma, the highlight for many of our explorers was the immense lava tunnel of around 10 feet wide at least.

The day can’t come to an ending without some local art performed by one of the best musicians of the island led by Mr. Gandhi Guerrero who played us a diversity of tropical and Andean music.