This morning, we woke to high winds and a considerable swell from the south. As ever, Expedition Leader Lucho ventured to find us more sheltered water. We settled on the northern side of Satonda Island, a large crater island with a fully enclosed saltwater lake. After a successful scouting trip, we lowered the Zodiacs for a snorkelling session on the shallow reef that fringes the coastline. Those in the water were treated to sights of anemone fish, moray eels, and large schools of varying reef fish.

Once snorkelling was complete, we ventured out to the island of Sumbawa for a cultural visit. Here we got to witness the fantastic dance and musical talents of the local community. We also watched a local custom which involves children attempting to climb a greased pole to reach the prizes suspended at the top.

It was another great day aboard National Geographic Orion.