Our final day on this voyage found us in a very different environment. Gone were the low windswept isles that we have enjoyed for the last days. We entered the fjord system of coastal Norway and its incredibly dramatic scenery. Huge towering peaks dropped straight into the narrow, deep fjords. We chose to enter the longest of all the fjords in Norway, Sognefjord, and spent our day enjoying this magical place.

All morning, we sailed farther into Sognefjord and the scenery got more and more dramatic. Snow appeared on some of the higher peaks, and the waterfalls got larger and more numerous.   Beautiful blue sky was a surprise, and stayed with us for most of the day. Just after lunch we arrived at our destination, the tiny village of Undredal.

Soon it was time to divide and explore. The largest number of us went for a challenging but rewarding hike. Stunning views were seen of the greenery, high peaks, and many waterfalls.  Others joined a cultural tour to explore the small community. A tiny stave church was very interesting but a certain highlight was the local brown goat cheese from the “House of Cheese.” A final group hopped into our fleet of kayaks to paddle in amongst the fjord itself. Calm conditions held and it was peaceful to paddle in paradise.

Soon, the skies opened up and the predicted rain arrived. We all got back on board and the Captain had a special surprise for us. We headed into another side arm of the main fjord and soon a massive waterfall loomed ahead. The Captain maneuvered us incredibly close and we snapped hundreds of photos of us and the waterfall. The fjord continued to get more and more dramatic with waterfalls entering from every direction.  We reached the end of the fjord where we paused to reflect on this amazing trip.