Today we visited two small islands located in the center of the Galápagos archipelago – South Plaza and Santa Fe Islands.

We spent our morning at South Plazas Island. Our guests enjoyed an early nature hike among Galápagos sea lions, swallow tailed gulls, Galápagos land iguanas and many birds flying around.

This place is also suitable for another amazing activity: jumping off the ship! It was so much fun.

The National Geographic Islander was then repositioned towards Santa Fe Island. Here inside the protected bay we were able to go kayaking and snorkeling and we saw sea lions, sea turtles, stingrays and lots of fish! In the afternoon we went to Santa Fe Island for a wonderful hike in great weather conditions. The island has its own unique species of land iguanas that can only be found here, and we saw several males and a female.

At the end of the day we went to a nice white sandy beach where many Galápagos sea lions were preparing for the night. A great moment to end a great day!