Today we sailed through one of the largest fjord systems of northern Norway: Tysfjorden. Beginning at the top of the Lofoten Islands, the fjord runs for miles all the way to Hellmobotn, a small Sami village mostly inhabited during summer.

After a week amongst snow and ice, we found ourselves surrounded by an incredible forest rich with birches and kreklin berries.

After about one mile, we reached the bottom of the path and we met a system of waterfalls carrying down all the melted snow from high in the mountains down to the fjord.

After a whole morning of hiking it was time to sit to relax on the back deck and enjoy the lunch that Chef Rannie and his galley team prepared for us.

In the afternoon, we headed a few kilometers back into Tysfjorden towards the town of Drag.  Here we visited Árran, the Sami Cultural Center and Museum. Thanks to our fantastic local guides, we were introduced to Sami culture, the indigenous people of northern Europe who share their homes amongst Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.