Pulling back the blinds and blackout curtains used in these waters to prevent birds from becoming confused by ship lights, we found ourselves gazing at the wonderful scenery of South Georgia. Taking full advantage of the spectacular weather, we piled into Zodiacs and explored the glacial beach of St. Andrew’s Bay, home to the island’s largest king penguin colony. Gaggles of penguins called to each other as we sailed by, young fur seals played in the shallows, and South Georgia shags soared overhead.

Lunch was served as we repositioned to Grytviken, and we marvelled at the stunning and rugged coastline of South Georgia. Pulling into Cumberland Bay, we hove to at Grytviken. After passing the invasive species inspection with flying colours, we went ashore and wandered around the old whaling station and the small museum. While some guests took the opportunity to send postcards from Grytviken’s isolated post office, others participated in the traditional Shackleton toast, raised to the island’s most famous visitor.