As National Geographic Orion came into Apia, the capital city of Samoa, we were met at the port with a wonderful cultural performance.

Today was a day of exploring, with our first stop being the house and museum of Robert Louis Stevenson. The famous Scottish novelist fell in love with Samoa and decided to make it his home in 1889.

After the museum, we went to the botanical gardens. We found ourselves in a heavy downpour as we made our way through the gardens, but nobody seemed to mind much, as it was a welcome way to cool down.

As quickly as it started raining, it stopped. We enjoyed a local Samoan lunch in a beautiful garden setting with live music playing gently in the background.

After lunch, we had the opportunity to wander around the local market. We observed a variety of handicrafts for sale, along with local fruits and vegetables and beautiful flower displays.

We finished our tour of Apia at the magnificent Lepea Catholic Church. It is a new church in the city and is adorned with forty-six stunning stained-glass windows.

DER written by: Fiona Wardle