It was a beautiful fall day in British Columbia! In the morning, the sun rose over the mainland mountains, shooting pink rays through gray clouds. Throughout the day, the clouds cleared, and the sun shone bright and warm—we even needed sunscreen! We continued south through the Strait of Georgia, searching for wildlife. We spotted a few humpback whales in the distance and enjoyed vistas of Vancouver Island, mountains, and various lighthouses. The sun blazed down and we all basked in the warmth on the bow.

In the afternoon, we headed to shore at Wallace Island, a beautiful strip of rock about two miles long and forested with Douglas fir and graceful Pacific madrones. Hikers trekked the length of the island while others wandered leisurely alone or with naturalists to learn about plants and geology. Photographers found a few interesting subjects, including a rusted old pickup truck and historic cabin plastered in driftwood. A boatful of guests headed out by expedition landing craft to search for river otter, harbor seals, and birds. Our day ended with a lovely sunset and perfectly clear skies!