National Geographic Venture arrived early in the morning at Sucia Island in the San Juans. We were treated to a beautiful sunrise next to Mount Baker with fog playing along the islands. After breakfast we hiked, kayaked, and Zodiac-cruised all around Sucia Island. The thick fog rolled in and out of the area creating a mystical atmosphere. We were able to observe sea lions playing in the surf, a pileated woodpecker searching for breakfast, and black oystercatchers and harlequin ducks along the rocky shores.

After lunch on board we had some time to share pictures and pick our favorites for the trip slideshow. We had a special cocktail hour on a beautiful rocky beach on Sucia Island. The campfire, drinks, and new friendships kept us warm even as the sun started to set. During the Zodiac cruise back we were delighted by the amazing view of Mount Baker glowing in the setting sun with National Geographic Venture in the foreground.

During recap we were treated to some of Sharon’s amazing macro photography, along with some advice on how to capture similar images. After a wonderful last dinner, we got to see the footage from a couple of the underwater team’s scuba dives. The Pacific Northwest’s underwater color and variety is always amazing. Then the guests’ slideshow was played. It is always so wonderful to see the whole week summed up in the guests’ favorite pictures.