Everyone was treated to a sleep-in on National Geographic Explorer, and breakfast was on offer beginning at 8:00 am. Giant petrels, black-browed albatrosses, a wandering albatross, many smaller prions, and petrels all flew by National Geographic Explorer, enjoying the wind over the waves on the Drake Passage.

In the afternoon, Naturalist Alex spoke about whales, in particular killer whales or orcas. We were lucky enough to observe these animals earlier in our adventure. The final talk was given by Expedition Leader Jon, who spoke about the age of the Earth, ice ages, and climate change. Afternoon tea took place on the back deck. Chef Ivan grilled sausages, and we were all able to take in the Beagle Channel while enjoying an afternoon snack.

Our final gathering in the lounge was to recognize the Global Explorers for their interest in Antarctica, the wildlife, and the adventures of our expedition, as well as to view the Guest Slideshow. Capturing images was extremely popular, and over 500 photographic memories were shared! After one last gourmet dinner, we docked in Ushuaia, and everyone was free to explore.