We awoke to a beautiful sunny morning aboard Sea Cloud for a full day at sea with calm seas. The captain kicked off the morning with an update about the weather conditions and our sail plan for the trip. Afterward, he narrated the process of setting sails. All the sailors hit the rig and climbed up to loosen the gaskets to set the sails. The decks were alive with fast moving crew and a pile of ropes. We moved to the bow for some photos with the talented team. Next, we gathered on the spanker deck to watch all 18 sailors set the spanker sail. The rest of our leisurely morning was spent enjoying the vessel, taking photos of the sails, and admiring the sailor’s rope art.

In the afternoon, Historian Dr. Thomas Heffernan gave a presentation titled, “The Mediterranean World: The Sea and its Early Peoples” followed by a tasty afternoon tea on the promenade deck. For dinner, we enjoyed a delicious barbecue on the lido deck.