Perhaps the first few days of this expedition have shared a common thread: good weather. In fact, it seems that each day included improved weather from the pervious day. Today will mark the end of that streak, if only because the weather on the Norwegian coast cannot be better than today’s. Blue, cloudless skies, gentle breezes, and balmy weather prevailed, and we put that to good use.

The day began at a UNESCO World Heritage site: Vega Island. Morning explorations included long hikes to a nature preserve, short hikes to a bird-filled estuary, museums, shops, and free waffles compliments of the local visitor center. The locals are proud of their heritage and always welcome outsiders with open doors. The tiny museum is packed with an amazing collection of local knick-knacks and artifacts, and outside someone is demonstrating how to clean eider down with a stringed box that looks like a zither.

In addition to visits to town, most guests took advantage of the weather to hike at least some distance. A short walk out to the marsh was a highlight for many birders, where low tide attracted curlews, geese, gulls, oystercatchers, and local passerines. The more adventurous followed a few local guides on a two-mile hike to the Holandasen Nature Reserve, where we shared stunning views of the Vega Archipelago with a small flock of sheep.

The afternoon was spent at the base of a large fjord in the Lomsdal/Visten National Park. Another good leg stretch on a long hike up an alpine stream was one option, while others choose to join National Geographic photographer Todd Gipstein for a photo walk, and for those who had had enough walking for one day a one-hour Zodiac cruise fit the bill perfectly.