As the day began, all of us aboard National Geographic Venture expected that the day would be one of chilly rain continuously pouring down throughout the day. Despite that prediction, we were treated to a beautiful combination of overcast skies with a slight drizzle in the morning and sunny, rainbow-filled skies in the afternoon. Today was a day of countless possibilities, and it proved better than we could have hoped for.

After a delicious breakfast selection from our galley, guests split into small groups for various activities: exploring Buchart Gardens, taking historical storytelling tours, finding the most charming hole-in-the-wall cafes, exploring downtown Victoria, and taking in all the beauty possible. Most guests came back to the ship for lunch before starting the second round of tours in the afternoon with some of the same morning options available in addition to a walking food tour of the town. Throughout the afternoon, guests were treated to golden, post-rain skies peeking through the clouds as shining beams of light touched on the raindrops settled across the city.  

As the afternoon drew to a close, we reconvened on the ship for a quick turn as we prepared for a wonderful opportunity to attend a social cocktail hour at a local art gallery here in Victoria. Showcasing artists from the region, we enjoyed wine while wandering and wondering about the world around us as we observed art from many different perspectives. We enjoyed beauty in so many ways throughout the day. We felt bittersweet as we pulled away from the docks in Victoria, but we have growing feelings of excitement for the adventures to come.