Is there any better way to wake up than with sunshine, blue skies and calm seas? I don’t think so! It’s safe to say that today day started out very well.

When our expedition leader Jonathan woke us up he told us that there had been a change of plan. We were originally heading towards Kapp Lee today, but after discovering there were no walrus on site Jonathon decided it would be better for our guests if we headed for Russebukta, two hours steaming further down the west coast of Edgeøya.

Over breakfast we enjoyed the fantastic views, especially after yesterday’s fog. After a short boat ride, we are all ashore on the flat tundra landscape with rock outcrops and snow fields. Guests had a few different hike options today, from a short stroll along the water to a longer, more athletic hike that I led – 13 brave souls chose to follow me! After about 30 minutes ashore the sun broke through, making the weather go from good to wonderful! Many of us had to take off several layers of clothing and some even hiked in shorts! (Although this crazy behaviour was only seen in the longest hiking group!)

During the hike we enjoyed the majestic views over Storfjorden, the great body of water that separates Edgeøya from the main island of Spitsbergen, and of course we enjoyed the weather. On the tundra plains we spotted geese, terns, red phalaropes and many other birds. Those who went on the longer hike also saw reindeers.

Once we were safely back on board the National Geographic Explorer, we enjoyed lunch and then sat down for the highlight of the trip for many of the guests – a lecture with Peter Hillary, the son of the late Sir Edmond Hillary. Peter’s lecture was fantastic and he talked about his expeditions to the world’s poles and high mountains. His experience and passion for these faraway places was so inspiring and the way he talked about his adventures made it almost make sense to want to spend two months in a small tent, skiing to the South Pole like he did!

In the afternoon we ate hotdogs and drank beer on the sun deck and Massimo, our National Geographic photography expert, had a very popular Q&A in the lounge. In fact it was so popular that he’s going to hold another one in a few days! We then had our daily Recap and dinner.