After a warm welcome onboard Delfin II by Captain Edwin Palomino and a good night’s sleep, we were raring to go for our first adventure into the Upper Amazon region.

The day started with either skiff rides or kayaking into the Pacaya Samiria Reserve on the Pucate and Yanayacu Rivers. Before we even entered the reserve, we spotted gray and pink river dolphins for the first time. As we ventured further into the tributaries, we saw an array of birds including hawks, vultures, egrets, parrots, and the beautiful blue and yellow macaws.

In the afternoon, we repositioned to Nauta Creek and enjoyed a skiff ride or kayaking. This time, the highlights were the mammals, with everyone seemingly out eating, including a brown-throated three-toed sloth! We saw four types of monkeys, the common squirrel monkey, Isabel’s saki monkey, saddle-back tamarin, and even a fleeting glimpse of a red howler monkey.

We returned to Delfin II very happy and ready for a delicious dinner!