This morning we began our activities exploring a little black water creek called Yanayaquillo. The surrounding forest is exuberant and home to a vast number of creatures, ranging from birds to river dolphins. We heard many sounds, including the spouting of dolphins, the buzzing of insects and the songs of black-fronted nun birds.

As we explored Yanayaquillo Creek, we encountered our first pod of pink river dolphins!  The adults and juveniles were foraging. Pink river dolphin are often found in black water creeks and flooded forests, while the smaller gray dolphins inhabit large rivers. Later on, we came across squirrel monkeys and saddle-backed tamarins, all seemed to be in a hurry as they scrambled along vines and jumped from branch to branch.

In the afternoon, we had a couple of activities to choose from. One was a walk in the primary rain forest admiring the size of trees and looking for wildlife. The second option was a skiff ride for bird watching. Both were fabulous!

Every time you go out to explore this forest, you always have surprises! This time we observed a young red-tailed boa and a troop of squirrel monkeys, including mothers transporting their babies on their backs. But the highlight of the day was a flock of Paradise tanagers! These birds are among the most beautiful and colorful – a trophy for the bird watcher.