Today’s Amazon exploration brought us to one of the farthest points of the Ucayali River: Zapote.  A delightful skiff ride gave us the opportunity to approach nature along the riverside.   The symphony of nature made us listen to all bird callings that were produced from inside the rainforest. 

Once we were inside the heart of Zapote, our senses were overwhelmed by the amount of wildlife found in the forest. The presence of tall trees of different species combined with a perfect blue sky was a beautiful introduction to this ancient amazon forest.  A black-tailed trogon, black collared hawks, and different species of kingfishers were only a part of nature’s displays for the first chapter of the morning activities.

A visit to a nearby village was the perfect way to end our morning excursion.  Souvenirs made out of natural forest materials were shown as proof of the wonderful artistic skills of residents of the world´s largest tropical forest.  Once we started heading back on the skiffs, we had one of the most remarkable surprises of all: Monk-saki monkeys! As soon as we were back on board Delfin II, we started navigation to our next destination: Supay Caño.

In the afternoon, our experiences in the Amazon rain forest were improved by exploring a flooded black water forest, which remains dry during the low water season.  The sighting of a yellow-headed vulture was the perfect beginning of a magnificent adventure.   The language of nature was demonstrated in a combination of different species found in the trees: squirrel monkeys, large billed terns, tropical kingbirds, and neo-tropical cormorants were our best companions throughout our exploration. 

As nature is so unpredictable, one of the most unexpected species gave us an enchanting surprise inside the forest: dusky titi monkeys.  Later, a white-throated toucan was the perfect ending to our journey on our way back to Delfin II.  A marvelous sunset was the indicator that our adventure would end for the day and continue tomorrow in the living paradise of the Upper Amazon.