Our sea day encouraged many early risers outdoors to feel the open waters and sense the free flowing breeze that is the lovely invitation of the open sea. Coffee and freshly baked pastries beckoned us to the outdoor café and to wake us slowly after a couple of days snorkeling and, for some still arriving into a new time zone, a very welcome chance to sleep in.

After breakfast, Dr. Birute Galdikas enchanted us with her unrivalled perspectives of the great apes of the world with a special focus on orangutans of Asia and as the world’s primary expert on these amazing creatures, we very much appreciated her unique and personal views.

After a hearty, social, and healthy lunch we recharged and readied ourselves for more preparation of our most exciting two days ahead in Bornean rainforest, searching for wildlife along these rarely visited jungle river systems.

Dr. Galdikas followed on from her morning discussion with an enriching and educating introduction on her care centre and the Camp Leakey Centre, which is the focus of the longest continuous study of any creature in our history—her study. This was a very, very special encounter.

Afternoon tea was enjoyed by many and offered a further chance for relaxation and conversation. Then our well-loved and very knowledgeable Tom Ritchie brightened up the late afternoon with his “Botany of the South Pacific” talk. His own individual style added volumes of depth, understanding, and humour to our appreciation of the flora of the region. 

A chance to refresh, shower, and shine ourselves up for the evenings festivities flowed into an evening recap and briefing where the expedition team described some of the undersea life, environmental perspectives, and notable subjects of natural interest we have experienced over the last days.

This in turn flowed into a lovely and festive seafood buffet put on the outdoor deck, a real celebration provided for us by the hotel team and a wonderfully starlit evening dinner under the moonlit sky. A perfect day to get to know each other better, prepare for the amazing experiences to come, and enjoy the unique experience of the open sea.