Today in the morning, accompanied by a persistent misty rain, we visited San Jorge community. In this place, we had a great time watching and experiencing firsthand how people live nowadays in the Amazonia. Our visitors were marveled to see how little things in life that we take for granted can mean so much for other people in a different environment. We also had the chance to walk around the village, see and talk with the locals, and capture great moments with our cameras.

The highlight of this cultural visit was an emotional encounter with a welcoming committee formed by the town’s representatives of Minga Peru. The latter is a non-profit organization, founded in 1998, that has as a mission the promotion of social justice and human dignity for women and families in the remote, rural areas of the Peruvian Amazon. Minga Peru has been developing various projects in the area. The training of women and community members in agroforestry, crop cultivation and the construction and management of fish ponds has proven to be invaluable to increase the economic sustainability of many people in this region of the Peruvian Amazon.

In the early afternoon, we started the afternoon’s activities by swimming in Clavero Lake. After, we came back just in time to go on a skiff ride around the lake and in nearby small streams. We saw a lot of wildlife including three-toed Sloths, many bird species, pygmy marmosets, herons, etc.

Late in the afternoon with the company of a spectacular sunset and fiery clouds, we came back onboard with unforgettable memories – a product of our first full day of our expedition this week in the Peruvian Upper Amazon, aboard our home away from home during this week’s expedition, Delfin II.