Sea Cloud arrived at her anchorage in Katapola, just off the white Cycladic port town. Zodiacs took guests ashore and island busses took us over the ridge of Amorgos to the precipitous eastern side.

We began our hike up the many steps of the stone walkway to reach the Monastery of Panagia Hozoviotissa, a narrow, white-washed building seemingly plastered onto the cliffside. Guests entered to visit the small and ornate monastery chapel built around an outcropping of the mountain’s living rock and were received by one of the monks who offered a refreshment.

We then transferred to the island’s beautiful Hora, or principal town. Here we admired the beautiful white Cycladic architecture with its colorful doorways and window trim.

Returning to Katapola, some guests enjoyed a swim in the clear Aegean water. Afterward, the ship went under sail, and officers allowed a number of guests to climb out onto the bowsprit netting (under close supervision!). The afternoon also featured a presentation on the Bronze Age by Rebecca Ingram.

During cocktail hour, Expedition Leader John Frick offered a presentation on the lido deck, “History of Sea Cloud”, and following, guests proceeded down to an “Open House” of the original cabins.