To start the week, the National Geographic Islander navigated northwest to visit the youngest volcanic area in the archipelago. We began our exploration of Bartolome early in the morning. Boarding Zodiacs, we headed to the island at 6:30 a.m. After an easy dry landing, we took the boardwalk to the summit. Along the way, we spotted pioneer plants such as tiquilia and saw lava tunnels and spatter cones. Once we reached the top of the volcano, the scenery and landscape were fantastic. Here, we could see popular Pinnacle Rock.

We returned to the vessel for breakfast and for a briefing on the aquatic excursions that would follow. Immediately after, our explorers went snorkeling off the golden beach of the island where low-tide conditions were perfect.

After lunch, we anchored at Rabida, the red island, located on the southern coast of Santiago Island. Here we had a full afternoon program. Kayakers cruised along the coast, where birds perched on rocks and turtles showed their heads in the water. Meanwhile, deepwater snorkelers swam with tropical and reef fish. At the end of the day, we disembarked on the beautiful beach to see a large group of blue-footed boobies diving and a great colony of sea lions. Another day in paradise.