Today we all shared a magnificent first day on board National Geographic Orion as we cruised along Nordfjord headed towards the Briksdal Glacier. The spectacular views included the turbulent river running into calm lakes that reflected the green landscape, the cows, the traditional red houses, the waterfalls, the tops of the mountains piercing into the blue skies with white clouds—and they all made the perfect frame for the glacier. But actually we are on an expedition, and an expeditions means to explore, to discover, to learn, to challenge ourself and go beyond what is expected.

We reached the end of the hike along the water line and were treated to cups of tea and homemade cakes. Everything was lovely and we got back on board to find a special 4th of July lunch being prepared on the back deck. It had been a great morning and a great day so far and our evening was planned to be on board as we sailed onwards. But suddenly we got the announcement: “Special surprise Zodiac cruise. Get your binoculars and your cameras and be ready!”

Off we went, for Captain Martin had a special treat for us! We all hopped into Zodiacs and started slowly cruising the very calm waters, going into a small passage, under a small bridge, and at some points getting close enough to the rocky shore to make out the tide line with plenty of green algae, barnacles, and muscles. There was even an oystpercater with its chicks there signing for us. What a nice place. As we cruised around the rocks all of a sudden there it was—the biggest sea cliff in Northern Europe. Just next to us, right there, more than 800 metres high. A cliff that cuts right up from the water level and into the sky. What a view!

We were all back on board right in time for Captain´s welcome cocktail and soon we heard the announcement: “We would like to welcome you for our Captains Cocktail at the bow!” We couldn't help thinking, could there be any better scenario for such a special moment? The scenery, the weather, and the timing all coincided perfectly.

Our day culminated with the Captain proudly presenting his team and sharing his wealth of experience with all of us while we slowly cruised in the heart of the Norwegian fiords.

On our first morning of voyage we awake cruising along the Nordfjord with its spectacular fiord scenery.  We took a ride up along a very green rural area with traditional farming houses towards the Briksdal Glacier.