This morning, National Geographic Sea Bird awoke to dark grey skies in Queen Charlotte Sound on the south end of Hecate Strait. Stretch class was interrupted by a squall, and the devotees decided that hot drinks in the lounge were a better option. After breakfast, we had a few informative presentations en route to our next landing along the coast of B.C.

After lunch, we explored Calvert Island, home of the Hakai Institute, an ecological observatory that supports long term observations of the surrounding environment. After a tour of the facility, we crossed the isthmus from our calm, protected anchorage to a beach along the Pacific. A series of white sand beaches and unique bog ecosystems made for an incredible afternoon of discovery. The long walkers wove their way through bog woodland and bog forests and made it to three different beaches and an amazing overlook. Those who visited the Institute got a tour of the grounds followed by a visit to West and North Beaches. Throughout the day, the skies lifted, and we had a picture-perfect bluebird day for exploring the amazing beaches, forests, and bogs of Calvert Island.