Arriving in Fortuna Bay in the early hours, we woke up to beautiful blue skies. Fueled up with breakfast, we eagerly made our way to the king penguin colony. Along the way, we enjoyed the sight and smells of male fur seals as they jostled for position on the beach and readied themselves for the arrival of females.

Upon arrival at the colony, we were greeted with a chorus of king penguins calling. The high-pitched calls of the 'oakum boys' (chicks) could be heard over the adults. After filling our memory cards with photos, we returned to the ship for lunch.

Afternoon activities soon commenced, which involved some guests participating in a small portion of the Shackleton hike. They experienced impressive views towards Stromness and back down to Fortuna Bay. The remaining guests enjoyed short hikes on land and a Zodiac cruise around Fortuna Bay, giving a different perspective of the wildlife we witnessed in the morning.