Floreana Island

This morning we woke up early, inspired by idea of getting to know a totally different side of the Galápagos, Floreana Island. Some of us even decided to take the advantage of the early morning walk offered to Post Office Bay. A little bit of an ocean breeze bathed our faces waking us up gently. Even with some clouds in the horizon, we could foresee the incredible day that would await us. Post Office Bay is an historical place that had been set up by whalers back in the 17th hundreds. It was the only way of communication between the crew members of the whaling and pirate ships during those times. The tradition is working efficiently so far, but it is mainly use by guests traveling in tour ships now a days. We all think it is a lot of fun and, besides, it is also a good way to meet people from all over and around the world! Everyone was very surprised to find post cards going to all corners of the planet!

Right after our landing at post office bay we took a short Zodiac ride along a place called “La Loberia.” The translation would be, “The sea lion rock”, however, the main highlight here were penguins! They were not supposed to spoil tomorrow’s highlight, but hey… they did not read our ship’s program! It was a fabulous time for bird watchers, since we could also find frigatebirds, pelicans, brown noddy terns, plovers and ruddy turnstones.

Right after breakfast we went for snorkeling. It was absolutely superb! Champion Island is one of the best places in the whole Galápagos for water activities, and because of that, we decided to launch our glass bottom boat as well. Thousands of fish, sea lions, sharks, barracudas, you name it! There is no doubt that our Galápagos trip is getting better by the minute!