Early this morning the

entered Idaho Inlet along the northern coast of Chichigof Island. As we slowly entered the bay, numerous sea otters were spotted from the ship's bow. We anchored at the extreme head of the inlet, then after breakfast set out to explore by foot and kayak.

Only a short walk from the landing we came to a salmon stream filled with spawning pink salmon. We entered the forest along the fringe of a broad meadow and found signs that bears frequent the area, including a well-worn trackway where the bears have made deep depressions in the soft earth. A mossy carpet blanketed the ground which was colored with places by colorful red berries of the dwarf dogwood or bunchberry.

Out on the water, the kayaks drifted slowly as harbor seals poked their round heads above the water to check us out. They seemed to be as interested in us as we were in them.