Mountains freshly dusted with snow laced the Beagle Channel and welcomed us to a new day. The ship sailed along Glacier Alley. The first discernible glacier was Alemania, and shortly afterwards Romanche. A spectacular amount of water gushed from under the ice and cascaded down the steep mountainsides.

The ship turned into a fjord that led us to the stunning Garibaldi Glacier. Our morning was spent in the trusty Zodiacs, which took us to get close views of the southern beech forests, mosses, and lichens. Of course, there were also birds and some South American sea lions to capture our gaze. For much of the time, we were surrounded by a myriad of pieces of ice.

During lunch, we sailed along the Beagle Channel towards Pía Glacier, our afternoon destination. Conditions were so calm that guests who wished to kayak in the fjord were able to do so. Others headed for a landing and subsequent walk along an intertidal area towards the glacier, moraine, and southern beech forest.

We all returned to the ship very happy for Captain’s Welcome Cocktails and dinner.