This morning we anchored just off Isla Iguana and spent the rest of the day basking in her beauty via beach relaxation, snorkeling, and guided nature walks. Situated off the coast of Panama, this island is teeming with Black iguanas, Mangrove warblers, Magnificent frigatebirds, and every size and color of hermit crab imaginable.

The frigatebirds were the obvious stars of today’s show. Their light wing loading, Dracula-esque profile, successful pirating antics, and intriguing courtship display made them mesmerizing to watch. Isla Iguana is a prime nesting spot for these aptly named birds.

After a full day in turquoise water and bright sun, we retired to our shipboard home and enjoyed a lively recap full of foundational forest ecology, geology, biogeography, and coral ecology. It was an ology-filled night to remember!