Our expedition to Lipari, Italy, commenced with an exhilarating morning of Zodiac tours around Faraglioni Island. The tours showcased the island’s rugged volcanic formations, perfect for capturing stunning images and learning about the area's unique geology. Following the tours, we had the opportunity to swim in the crystal-clear, turquoise waters, a refreshing dip that felt invigorating amidst the stunning natural surroundings.

Lunch was a lavish buffet featuring a variety of local dishes, with the highlight being a mouthwatering tiramisu. In the afternoon, we embarked on a panoramic coach tour of Lipari, where we marveled at views of the Aeolian Archipelago. The tour concluded with time to explore Lipari's charming town, with its narrow streets and bustling markets, or visit the Lipari Archaeological Museum, home to fascinating ancient artifacts.

Once back on board, we started our evening with a mini photo presentation on how to best capture Sea Cloud and the amazing crew and a preview of the next day's adventures. We concluded our day with a delightful dinner on the lido deck, watching the sun set over the islands.