It was our first full day in the Galapagos Islands, and what a wonderful way to start our expedition! We  started the day on a bird magnet island called North Seymour. As we walked along the trail on North Seymour, we had close encounters with juvenile and adult frigatebirds, blue-footed boobies, land iguanas and curious sea lions.

In the afternoon, we navigated towards Rabida Island, where we dropped anchor to explore this beautiful red island. The color of the ground comes from high concentrations of iron oxide. We explored Rabida both on land and underwater, where we spotted sea turtles, played with sea lions and encountered white-tipped reef sharks among other beautiful fish. This is just our first day in paradise and it feels like we have seen already the best, but our guests are about to find out how much more the Galapagos Islands have to offer!