Right after sunrise, we loaded the skiffs to explore a small tributary of the Maranon River, Pahuachiro Creek. Birds flew alongside us, and the birdsong delighted our ears. The creek’s water acted like a mirror. Seeing the forest reflected in the water was just breathtaking. This pre-breakfast activity was enjoyed by all participants.

After breakfast, we visited Casual Trail. Here, local guides from Casual Village and our naturalists pointed out the area’s wildlife. It was an amazing experience, and we observed various species of animals.

Back on board, Naturalist Javier showed us the wonders of the Amazonian fruits. In the meantime, we repositioned Delfin II closer to Amazona village. Here, guests had the opportunity to interact with village people. We learned about daily life and the sustainable projects the villagers are developing to support their way of life.

By the end of the day, we passed the confluence of the Ucayali and Maranon Rivers and enjoyed the sunset.