National Geographic Sea Bird arrived and set anchor at Wallace Island in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, Canada this morning. We prepared for our shore activities, including hiking, touring by expedition landing craft, and exploring the skinny, 180-acre island to admire the trees and search for birdlife.

Wallace Island was designated a marine provincial park in 1990. Before then, it was a popular holiday resort of which some interesting vestiges remain. The island is accessible only by private boat, and visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking, swimming, and camping.

Back on board, we cruised northward, transiting into Georgia Strait through Porlier Pass. It was noticeably cooler, and the mountains on mainland British Columbia sported a fresh dusting of snow. Mount Baker (a Cascade volcano almost 11,000 feet high) loomed to the southeast. We watched vessels of all shapes and sizes plying the waters as we enjoyed the sights. Later in the afternoon, we heard a presentation on native culture in preparation for our next adventure.